Personal guidance

If you have some initial thoughts or concerns about your business idea, your customers, competition etc. please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.  

This way you can get personal advice, which we hope can help you move further along in the process.

When you book an appointment with one of our personal advisors, we recommend that you have worked on your business idea beforehand.
You can do this by downloading a mini-business plan here.

By doing this you are already prepared for your personal guidance, and our consultants will have better opportunity to give you the advice and help you need.

To help you formulate ideas and goals for your business, we would advice you to visit This is a useful site for you as an entrepreneur as you will be able to find templates for business plans, different kinds of budgets and way more interesting and useful templates. 


Would you like to learn more?

If you have any questions about STARTVÆKST Aarhus and our free services, or if you are curious about how we can help you develop your idea, feel free to contact one of our consultants here